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Black People Are Hebrews

The so-called "African" slave trade was actually the Hebrew slave trade!

     That is right, those "African" slaves that were kidnapped and shipped to North, Central and South America, the Caribbean and Europe were actually descendants of the Hebrew-Israelites.  Historical and anthropological evidence proves this.   There are also Biblical prophecies that foretold the scattering of Israel, namely the tribe of Judah to the four corners of the earth through slavery.

     There are also Biblical prophecies that the Almighty would gather up the descendants of Judah from the nations where HE had scattered them: Joel 3?1-7; Ezek. 11:16,17; Hos. 3?5; Jer. 16:15,16; Romans 11:1-5; Isaiah 65:0; Micah 5:3. Those prophecies are starting to be fulfilled right now - that is why this pamphlet found its way into your hands. The descendants of Judah are being re-gathered, you are one of them! 


Scriptural Evidence


     The descendants of Jacob were promised blessings if they kept the Law, and forewarned of punishments if they fell away.  They ae found in the Book of Deuteronomy (chp. 28) and the Book of Leviticus (chp. 26).















"And they shall be upon thee for a sign ..." Deut. 28:46

     The Punishments would let others know who we are - Hebrew-Israelites! No longer do we believe in the myth of the "ten lost tribes!" The Punishments of the Law are a clear indicator of who we are.  They also explain why we are in such dire straits.  Here are some from Deut. chhp. 28 that apply specifically to Black/ Af. Americans: 

  • Lynched, bodies left for birds to eat (vs. 26)

  • Children given away to others( vss. 32, 41)

  • Horrid oppressions (vs. 33)

  • Known as bywords, i.e. racial slurs (vs. 27)

  • Immigrants will surpass them though they start out with less (vs. 45)

     Please do not balk when viewing us as

a people under punishment from

The Most High. It is not the same as

when white Supremists call us "cursed"

and/ or "inferior" - that is a half-empty

glass!  As descendants of the House of

Jacob, that means the blood of some of

the mightiest men and women to walk the earth flows through our veins! It means we are a CHOSEN AND A SPECIAL PEOPLE - a half-full glass!  Our people fell away from the Law, but if we turn back to our Father in heaven and  keep His commandments, He will heal our grievous wound (Jer. 30: 17-24).


     Nearly twenty-five (25%) of Black Americans' ancestors were kidnapped from the country of Nigeria, in W. Africa. They were stolen from amongst a people called the Ibo/ Igbo, a gross mis-spelling of the word 'Heebo', meaning 'Hebrew'.  British explorers recognized and acknowledged that they are a 'branch of Hebrews':

The striking similarities that Basden observed made him conclude that 'the Igbos are a branch of the Hebrews' and that any European wishing to effectively deal with them should first of all go and acquaint himself with Mosaic laws" (Alaezi, pg. 54).


Igbo Customs Aligned With Mosaic Law


  • Perception of the Almighty

  • Child-birth and child-naming

  • Circumcision

  • Death/ mourning rituals

  • Sacrifices/ offerings

  • Nazarite vows

  • Social Customs

  • Diet

  • Dress Codes

Anthropological Evidence

"I discovered that I could understand the Tanach better because I understood the Igbos and vice versa."  Remy Ilona, author of The Igbos and Israel - An Inter-Cultural Study of the Largest Jewish Diaspora

     Below is a drawing sketched by a European explorer of an Ashanti priest.  Note that his breast plate is an EXACT replica of that described in the Law for the High Priest, Aaron (Ex. 28: 15:29). The Fulani familiarity with the Old Testament forced many European anthropologists to conclude that their origins were actually in the East :

     "So familiarly did they speak of the chief Hebrew personalities of the Old Testament, and so well posted were they with the principal events related in it, that they could not, argued De Guiraudon, have acquired their knowledge merely through Arabic sources.  They referred to those times as though dealing with their own national records.  Moses and Abraham might have been individuals of the same race as themselves" (cited from Hebrewisms of West Africa by Dr. Joseph J. Williams).

     If you are a Black/ Af. American reading this type of information for the first time, know that you are blessed. It is not just a coincidence that you came upon this pamphlet.  The Most High Is waking up His people, just as He promised (Is. 29:18,19).  He said that He would pour His Spirit, which is often called the Spirit of truth, upon all flesh (Joel 2:28,29). He is lifting the Punishments of the Law from His chosen ones, removing the scales from our eyes.

     Armed with this information you can endure future hardships with a strength you never knew you possessed.  Heavenly Father is blessing you with a priceless jewel, yet there are those who do not want you to know this.  The enemy of The Most High is real and is using all kinds of distractions to keep you in the dark. Political and economic concerns, social trends and scandals - all of it is designed to keep you distracted.  Or you might share this pamphlet with someone and be met with skepticism; maybe they will say that everyone is special to the Almighty. True, but He chose a people for His own - and you are one of them!



     We have always been targeted by hate-groups and forced to endure physical, emotional and financial hardships. There has always been the torment of not fully understanding why.  NOW we know, and knowing can make a wonderful difference!  We are the Chosen People of the Heavenly Father, and His enemies hate us!  They don't want you to know who you are, that you have a source of strength and power that can empower you to endure trials that others cannot!

     THE POWER IS YOURS IF YOU KNOW  IT IS YOURS AND MAKE POSITIVE CHANGES IN YOUR LIFE! Study and pray to the Father and ask if it is true (James 1:5). Get a Bible. Read the verses in this pamphlet. Check out Hebrew-Israelite websites on the Internet, and on Youtube.   Pray and ask. Keep the commandments. Keep the Day of Rest. Improve your diet. Help the poor. Here is a list of Youtube channels to check out, they do not all have the same beliefs on every single topic but they all know that Black Americans/ Af. Americans are Hebrew-Israelites:

  •  Mr.Hebrew1

  • Black Education TV

  • Hebrew History Channel

  • Watchman Reports (watch their 'Whited Out' Documentary series - they will change your life!!)

  • DebateTalk4U

  • Hebrew Israelite Online Learning Institute

  • Hebre Nation Building

  • Honor and Humility

     While the Ibo-Igbos are perhaps the most well-known African people with Hebrew customs and beliefs, they are not alone. What is important for Black/ Af. Americans is that many of them were stolen and sold into slavery,and they are our ancestors.  The so-called "African" slave trade was actually the Hebrew slave trade!


The Ashanti and the Fulani

What Does It All Mean?

More African-Hebrew Tribes


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